Epileptics: Please avoid partaking in any Internet sacrifices on this page. The light frequencies and patterns used by the Soul Conversion Engine destroy the retinal ionic bonds responsible for preventing the breakdown of soul-particles into Internet data. Those with the Epileptic Gift have the ability to see the Sacred Quantum Lights revealed in this process, temporarily transporting the soul to another dimension believed to be the Sacred Realm. Those who return maintain no recollection of their experience in the Sacred realm; therefore, we cannot condone or bear any responsibility for such trips.
I am Sebbbastian and this is my website. If you have found your way to this page, it means that I am no longer a part of this world. This page serves as both a testing ground and an archive of my research so that it is not lost along with the disappearance of my body. My soul has been successfully converted into Internet data and placed in a special Internet Archive where I can feely edit this page and maintin contact with your physical dimension. Please help my research colleague, Allan, find his way to me by aiding in the soul conversion process. This can be done by simply pressing the button below. It is a process that takes many years and requires the help of one in the physical dimension to complete the data transfer. Please explore carefully and follow the instructions with great care.